

Hottest Stocking Stuffer "MUST HAVE!"

Hottest Stocking Stuffer

One of the top choice for stocking stuffer this Christmas is... the "The Original Miracle Melting Snowman" from Cupcakes & Cartwheels.  Watch the kids build it again and again and laugh over this putty.

As we were packing these item for re-sale our two daughters screamed of joy asking if they could take two of the snowman. They told us how popular this brand is on the ice cream and cake version. Eventually we gave them one each.  They played all day with it, laughing at what they made and how it looked after it melted flat on the table, over and over again.  They take this with them when we go to friends house or dine out. At restaurants, our kids would play with their snowman, instead of playing with their ipad or draw with crayons provided by the restaurants. Also other kids families would look at our kids playing with the toy.

We have named this as our "2016 Stocking Stuffer Children's Must Have". There are many others that have released their version of the melting series.  Although nothing beats the quality of the "Original Melting Snowman" from Cupcakes & Cartwheels.

(due to high demand on this product, we might run out of stock, so here is the link for purchase on amazon.com- "The Original Melting Snowman from Cupcakes & Cartwheels"